I have to admit, we spent plenty of time being couch potatoes. In total, we watched 9 movies, which should have us caught up from my past 5 months of isolation.
Start the Revolution Without Me: Eh. It had some funny-ish parts, but I fell asleep for about 20 minutes and when I woke up, it didn't seem like I missed anything.
300: Not bad, but not as funny as I expected. Basically way too gory, not enough really good parts, and the end was a bummer.
Waitress: Andy didn't want to watch this. I didn't want to watch this. But, I'm really glad I did. Sure it was really sad, and the whole movie was a predictable downer, but it's worth it, I think.
National Treasure: Saw it for the second time, and it was still just as good. I always like watching the previous movie before seeing the sequel.
Silver Streak: Everyone liked it but me. I thought the story was slow, and Gene Wilder is funny, not an action hero. Read the wiki and then just watch the last 45 minutes or so.
Superbad: Aptly named. Worse than expected. And worst of all, made me feel old because it's probably the next generation's American Pie. If so ... we are in a sad state of affairs, my friend.
National Treasure 2: Just as good as the first. Exciting and funny, though I could have done without the "waah, we broke up!" storyline.
The Fountain: Apparently a love-it or hate-it sort of thing. Beautiful to watch, but hard to get the storyline out. Too artsy-fartsy for me.
The Notebook: I'm not a fan of teenage girl romantic movies. I'm sure this one spawned hundreds of prom themes. I thought it was just an updated twist on the same tired story (and Andy agrees), but everyone else liked it. Which made my mom call me cynical. I prefer realistic.
Sunday, December 30, 2007
Posted by
6:11 PM
Yay, we're home again! We had a lovely little Christmas all over the midwest. I was very happy to throw out almost all of my gift receipts when we unpacked, and there's nothing I want to return. But more than anything I was happy to spend time with the biggest and best family ever!
We've spent the past week eating, drinking, shopping, and watching movies. A quick little rundown of the week:
Saturday: I got up around 4 a.m. for my shuttle to Ontario for my 9 a.m. flight. I was at the airport forever and my plane was even a little late. People were way too angry and cranky for that early in the morning. No issues except it was really, really cold when I got to Omaha. I got to see my future-in-laws beautiful new house, and my future-brother-in-law had some friends over that night.
Sunday: Crazy though it may be, we spent most of the day shopping for a few gifts. It was certainly an extensive Omaha tour. That night we wrapped gifts, had a fantastic dinner with some family friends, and I clobbered everyone in Scene It. Who would have thought? I haven't seen a movie in ages.
Monday: Andy's family celebrates Christmas on Christmas Eve, so this was our big day. Everyone came over and we had a big dinner together and opened gifts.
Tuesday: Christmas day we spent mostly relaxing around the house. We dropped Dan off at the airport, went to see some trains that welcome drivers in to Omaha, and Andy copied some cassette tapes to MP3 from when he and his brother were little. It was such a cute idea! They must have been adorable little kids.
Wednesday: Another early morning to the airport for St. Louis. And also pretty uneventful at the airport, since we were the first flight of the day and it was also a direct flight. Once we landed we had breakfast and I wrapped gifts - rather unfruitfully, because we turned right around and opened them. Since it was the day after Christmas we could go out to dinner also, then rented a stack of movies and relaxed at home.
Thursday: Shopped for new shoes almost all day. Andy bought a pair of walking shoes and I ended up with new boots to replace my broken heels. We went out for dinner and also went to see the lights at Tilles Park!
Friday: It took Andy days to fix my parents' computer and their incredible virus, but he did it. After we went out to the movies, we were supposed to take my parents out for dinner, but the wait was pretty long so instead we had spaghetti and meatballs at home.
Saturday: Went shopping with my mom to return a shirt and shopped around for shoes. Probably not the most productive shopping trip, but it was fun to get out. Afterward, we took my dad to the Lone Elk park, and Andy took a bunch of incredible pictures. We even saw a little buffalo family complete with baby buffalo! Then we made up for yesterday and had a nice dinner.
Sunday: Our flight was scheduled to depart at 6 a.m., and we got up early for the airport. Admittedly, we should have gotten there earlier. With all the construction, I'm never really sure how long it takes to get to the airport any more. But, Frontier was really the issue. They had only two people checking bags for a number of super-early flights, and they didn't realize they had about 30 people still waiting to get to Denver until 5:30. Even then, the security lines were the longest I've ever seen (I'm partial to a certain security line that has always been short before) and thankfully they let us on even though they had shut the jetway door. And, luckily, even though our plane was late for our super short layover, it was the same plane going to Orange County. After an hour long shuttle ride home and a complete tour of the Anaheim hotels surrounding Disneyland, we got home.
Posted by
5:59 PM
Friday, December 21, 2007
Normally, I wouldn't call a company out on something, I'd just ignore it. But today, I got out of work early, so it was the perfect opportunity to buy one of my last "perfect gifts."
Things Remembered, this is where you pay attention.
I went in to the store just hoping that I could buy a certain item my friend showed me online. So I braved the Westminster Mall for this one item (and happened across another gift for my mom!). And sure enough, it was in the display case. Perfect, I thought, but they don't have any out on the shelf. So I flagged down a barely-of-working-age girl and asked if she could open the locked drawers, so I could go meet up with said friend. She nervously asked an emo-type worker at the cash register for the key, who rolled his eyes and said everything was out. I heard him but she nervously repeated, so I asked where the next nearest store was, as I still had some time.
Well, the next nearest store was in Cerritos, and I didn't much want to drive all the way there in traffic if they were out, too. So I went back in the store and asked my emo sales clerk (the previously crowded store was now empty and the employees had vanished) for the number for the Cerritos store. Normally, an employee will call another store for stock. This employee asked another behind the desk to hand him the phone, dialed, and asked the person on the phone for the store phone number.
Now, if you dial a number off the top of your head ... couldn't you just tell someone?
He wrote it on a post it, and I went on my merry way.
The following conversation took place:
Me: {eep} "Hi, I was looking for (insert pretty specific item description, or about as specific as one can get)."
Clerk: "Do you have the item number?"
Me: "Umm... no?"
Clerk: "Well, I could tell you if we have that, but if you don't have the item number, I don't really know what you're talking about."
{At this point, I'm utterly confused, and trying desperately to think of another way to describe this thing. I mean, the store is tiny! And all of the similar items are in the same display case! Can't he just walk over and look?)
Me: "Well, it was just (insert same description; I don't know why I tried again but I did feel dumb after)."
Clerk: "Oh, you mean the gunmetal (item description)?"
Me: "Yes!" {more excitement than aggravation here}
Clerk: "Yeah, we have that."
Me: "OK, I'll be there in just a bit, thank you!"
He hung up on me. And at first I was a little afraid I'd called the wrong store, and talked to emo clerk, and that they didn't really have it in stock. I know it's a hectic time and all, but is it really that bad? I've worked in retail over Christmas, at even more popular stores (in my opinion) than Things Remembered. It wasn't that bad.
So, after a very long drive on side streets because the highway was clogged, I get to Cerritos. Why I thought I could just pop in to a mall 4 days before Christmas, I'm not sure. Anyway, I pulled my "park at Sears" trick (there's always parking at Sears), and found out that the store is on the opposite side of the mall. Now, I figure, time is running sort of short, so I practically run to the other side of the mall. And they indeed have my gift, but not on the shelf! Luckily, a nice young sales clerk took pity on the crazy, red-faced, out of breath lady, pulled one right out of the locked drawers, and sent me on to the register.
I know I'm probably insane, but it made for a funny story later.
Posted by
8:30 PM
I love gift cards. They're so small and fit all uniform in my wallet, which satisfies my OCD. I saw this article and it makes perfect sense - I mean, when you don't know what to get someone last minute, I can see how a gift card would be your best bet. (On a side note, I don't see a gift card as a cop-out. Starbucks? Perfect! And, if you don't know what size/shape/color to get, you know the person can get what you want to get them and they're happy too.)
Shortly thereafter I saw this next article and I was completely horrified. Now, gift cards were really getting popular when I was in college and taking a battery of accounting and financial reporting courses, so of course one of my professors added as a side note how to account for and report gift card revenue. It made perfect sense and seemed fair. Then I heard that they expire, and even still, that seemed fair. Or at least expiration dates would reduce the havoc that gift cards could wreak on financial statements. But this is basically a 60% gift card tax on companies. It's ridiculous, and unfair. I can see how this might be popular with constituents, because people just love taking money from those big nasty corporations.
Ladies and gentlemen, I am not a woman of strong opinions, but this really ticks me off.
Sigh. I guess I'll go pick up my last-minute gift (cards).
Posted by
1:40 PM
Thursday, December 20, 2007
Oh my, where have I been?
Well, school got really hectic at the end of the semester. I had quite a few weeks where I had very little homework and studying to do, and looking back, I wish I could have worked ahead but I really couldn't have. But the semester is finally over, and I haven't gotten a single interesting (read: grade related) email to my school account since Tuesday.
- My project management professor graded the final exams really, really quickly, so I already know my grade. He graded the exams and assigned final grades only two days after the final. I was kind of disappointed and felt a little misled - I mean, I got 100% on just about everything!
- I turned in a 14-page paper on the things that I learned about myself in self-help. Funny thing was, I actually did learn things! It wasn't too hard to fill up the minimum 12 pages, and my professor seemed happy about it, so hopefully I will do well in that class.
- Finally, database. Oh, how awful that class was. I really wanted to learn; and I did learn a lot. But the project was so huge, and hard for people who thought Microsoft Access was really good database software. I'm proud of what we turned in, though ... so all I can do is hope for the best.
And work is work, I suppose. We had two holiday parties, which usually one would expect to be pleasant but ... work-y. I have such a fun group of friends in the department, though, that they were actually really fun. We laughed a ton!
On the actual work front, though, things are a little sticky with the current situation, and my being scheduled to change jobs in March. Also, I'd like to motion for eliminating performance evaluations. They are much to subjective and biased.
With school running so late this year, along with some family difficulty, I am terribly far behind on Christmas. It took me three weekends to make all my cookies, and I had barely started shopping for gifts by the time we turned in our project. It's put me in the position to visit the mall twice, when I'm completely agoraphobic during the holidays. And I still haven't finished! I'm going shopping (or something, we'll see) with my friend tomorrow, and likely Saturday when I get to Omaha, but Christmas is in a mere 5 days! Whew. I can't wait to see everyone, but I'm afraid I've fallen short of my usual lofty "perfect gift" goals this year.
Time to pack, and get the apartment ready for the trip!
Posted by
7:46 PM
Hooray! My school is #3 in Business Week's part time program ranking. I'm not really happy about them calling it a "spare time" thing though. I'm not saying night school is the end-all be-all... but I'm working a lot harder than night school!
Posted by
7:45 PM
I still managed to make cookies this year. I love love love to bake, and I was miserable thinking that I might not have time. It ended up that I made a couple of kinds each weekend, which worked out to a big list:
- Poinsettia Cookies
- Cream Cheese Cookies
- Andes (hee hee) Candies Cookies
- Gingerbread Men (somehow, gingerbread women just aren't right)
- Peppermint Bark
Posted by
7:31 PM
Sunday, December 16, 2007
Uh oh, bad news.
Normally I don't pay much attention to Britney Spears. It's boring; I mean, every day it's "Britney flashes her hoo-ha!" "Britney drops her baby!" "Britney runs over some jerk who threw himself in front of her car for a picture!" Repeat.
So I'm not sure why I checked out her Piece of Me video. I didn't like Gimme More. And her new songs are ... OK, but nothing stellar. But I actually really, really liked this one. It's like the ultimate comeback song ... if she'd gotten her act together and pulled it off.
I thought, as a society, we'd made it socially unacceptable to make fun of mentally ill people.
Posted by
12:38 PM
Tuesday, December 11, 2007
So I just settled in after a mad Christmas shopping run (the festive plastic containers at WalMart are the best) and got down to reading my custom blogpaper when I see...
Martha Stewart Kills Blueprint
What?? I've had this on my wishlist for like, a month!! I mean, Domino is on there too, but this is me:
"a magazine for smart girls in grandma glasses who liked to knit, cooler than Rachael Ray but nerdier than Domino."
What, am I that unique?? Where my quirky ladies at???
Obviously not subscribing to enough magazines. :-(
Posted by
8:20 PM
Friday, December 7, 2007
Well, Newport News reopened their Amazon store. So of course I clicked through ... bought some items, that are still on their way (boy, they're slow!) ... and now I get a free magazine for spending over $25.
The choices are:
1. Details
2. Lucky
3. Teen Vogue
I'm not sure what to choose. Teen Vogue is definitely not my demographic (nor is it Newport News's!), nor is Details. So... I guess I'm going with Lucky. At least I'll have reading material on the way to Japan.
Posted by
11:09 PM
They're trying for a million views. Ready, set ... Go!
Posted by
10:51 PM
Wednesday, December 5, 2007
I hope you got to watch the Victoria's Secret fashion show last night. I was stuck in class getting a final exam grade and giving a presentation. I have to wait until they decide to stream in on line (hopefully in high-quality!). :-(
I would skip class to be in the show.
Posted by
5:17 PM
Sunday, December 2, 2007
Yesterday was the big USC/UCLA game. No one I knew got tickets, and I was so overloaded with homework that I ended up watching it through the "snow" at home. It was quite a game! USC won so they get to go to the Rose Bowl.
As if that wasn't enough football for me, I hung around for the Missouri/Oklahoma game. Missouri's been doing really well lately, so it seemed like a good game to watch. But I ended up getting up and doing other things periodically because I kept thinking "Well, Oklahoma's hosed them now." Missouri kept coming back, but by the fourth quarter Oklahoma had it. Bummer.
Anyway, yesterday I said "Wouldn't it be crazy if Illinois and USC played?" Now, I didn't think that was even possible because, even in my retarded football knowledge, I know USC is in the PAC-10 and Illinois is in the Big 10 (11). First, I couldn't imagine Illinois winning enough games to get to that point. And second, it's kind of like saying "Wouldn't it be crazy if Batman and Superman duked it out?"
Andy instant messaged me today to tell me Illinois is going to the Rose Bowl. Now, if only I could get tickets!!
{edit: yes, I'm aware Illinois is going to get hosed. Either way I win though, so there.}
Posted by
10:35 PM
I wish school ended the first week of December so I could fully participate in Christmas activities. This year I've already done most of my shopping, but this is prime baking time. I'm pretty sure Christmas songs have subliminal messages that tell me to bake all sorts of cookies.
If I didn't have a paper, project, and exam coming up, I'd go to:
Mission Inn Festival of Lights
Yeah, this is about an hour away without traffic. But the picture looks great. And we considered having the wedding there, but decided against it because the area wasn't too nice and it was much too far away. We still had a fun day checking out the architecture though.
OK, OK ... you know we'll go see it before Christmas. I'll blow something off to go, and it'll be so worth it. I just wish I could go MORE. I can't wait to see the new castle effects.
Griffith Park
Putting up lights in public parks isn't really a big thing out here. It was always one of my favorite things to do in St. Louis. Hopefully we'll find the time to go (and they'll still be open) this year. But this is also about an hour away. We had a great time at the observatory, and the park looks like prime location for this sort of thing.
Rose Hills
I drove by Rose Hills today and they've changed their sign on the hill (think the Hollywood sign in neon) from pink to red and green. My favorite station (at least between Thanksgiving and Christmas, just look at their page!) has been advertising it. It's only about a half hour away but I think I missed it for a group meeting. Oh well, at least I got about an hour and a half of Christmas songs in the car.
Posted by
10:20 PM
Friday, November 30, 2007
I have to point you to this article on the Queen's husband, Prince Philip (yes, like that Prince Philip!). They've been married 60 years. After reading this article, there's no way you can't like him.
Happy anniversary to the Queen and Prince!
{side note: scroll down for the trials of mother christmas. I love the Daily Mail!}
Posted by
11:37 PM
How is this the #1 most gifted item in women's apparel?
Ball has been dropped, Amazon. Ball. Has. Been. Dropped.
Posted by
11:23 PM
Thursday, November 29, 2007
This week's self-help books were Deep Change and Resonant Leadership. I had designs on reading the whole books, but I ended up reading the most important chapters (for a quiz), again, like usual. Right before class. And not really read, but skimmed for bold/italicized words.
Anyway, the funny thing about both books is they mentioned the boiling frog parable. I've never heard of this, but it's pretty simple. Scientists discovered that a frog, dropped in to a pot of boiling water, will immediately jump out and save itself. But if the water is brought to boiling with the frog already in the pot, the little guy cooks. Pretty horrific.
The moral of the story is that you should take note of small, gradual changes around you before it's too late. We're good at catching when things change quickly and dramatically, but those little changes can be just as bad.
Now, even after reading basically real-world examples of the same thing, the first thing I thought was, "Gross! Who would do that to a little froggy??" But then I got over my girly and remembered this is tough-guy MBA world. Boys like frogs. Really, it's good advice.
On a side note, most of the real world examples involve high-level executive overachieving men who can't seem to balance their work and personal life. The outcomes are usually, "well, his wife divorced him, but now that he's realized the errors of his ways he's determined things will work out with the new one." What?? I'm sure the ex-wife is glad for that... Don't worry, though, there's usually a token example of a female executive. And she's usually, as my classmate would call it, a witch with a capital B, who succeeds beyond everyone's expectations only to find that no one likes her and she suddenly finds the need to change her ways. Yup, we've really made progress, ladies.
Posted by
8:54 PM
Wednesday, November 28, 2007
Since I binge on wedding-related websites for most of the day (and most people are not interested), here's your reading material:
First, an article MSNBC wrote about me. How lovely.
Second, Pat Sajak is the man (thank you dear)!
Third, it turns out going for walks during the workday, while frowned upon by your boss, are good for your health. Looks like all my bathroom trips are justified! (thank you again, hunny! ~.^)
Finally, I feel like requesting this for work. This is part of the reason we don't have a TV. If we did, I'd insist on getting a treadmill ... I don't know that I could stand for sitting
(heehee) that long unless it's at the end of the school week.
Posted by
9:37 PM
Thursday, November 22, 2007
The other day CNN posted that Oprah's most expensive favorite thing was an HDTV refrigerator. I kid you not. I have no idea why you'd want a TV in your refrigerator, much less in your kitchen. But, she is forgiven for that - her 5th favorite thing is a KitchenAid mixer.
Some more of her favorite things:
Perfect Endings Cupcakes
These, while beautiful, are $59 for 9 cupcakes. Send me $20, and I will send you perfectly fantastic cupcakes of your choice.
Tangent: Actually, Andy's been trying to convince me lately to start a restaurant. Now, running my own business sounds just awful, but last night we went to Jerry's Famous Deli and had a sprinkled sugar cookie that was beautiful but not very good. That got me thinking - I could start a bakery! But I still don't want to run my own business. Or take cooking lessons. Or live in fear that someone gets sick off my food.
Melamine Cookware
It should be obvious why these are wonderful. Here's a hint: bright, cheerful colors, and spouts.
Breville Ikon Panini Press
OK, I don't want anyone paying $100 for a George Foreman grill. But, this is going on the registry, because I really want one with interchangeable and removable plates that can go in the dishwasher. Honestly, every kitchen should have a grill like this. The sandwiches in the picture make me think of the avocado, brie, and tomato sandwich we had in Vancouver. Best sandwich ever.
Rachel Pally Swing Turtleneck and Sailor PantsPlease don't wear this.
Scrabble Premier Edition
What can I say? We play Scrabble. And this set just plain looks good.
O's Guide to Life
Let's face it: she's done something right, so this book has got to be good.
Posted by
7:36 PM
Monday, November 19, 2007
This past week was pretty wild, as usual. Here's the update:
- A frustrating PM homework assignment, a negatively-productive database meeting, and a 12 page final paper about "what I learned about myself" for self help. And there's only 3 weeks left!
- Clean bill of health from the doctor. Which was awkward, because I think he expected me to thank him. I never quite know what to say when the doctor says something like "your cholesterol is good" or "your eyes are very healthy." Thank you? Seems like I should thank myself, as I'm the one doing all the work.
- Completely exhausting weekend.
- I had my Friday TJ Maxx shopping trip, and dinner at Baja Sonora.
- Saturday I worked on homework, helped Andy change my brake light, picked up a rotisserie chicken from the grocery store, and headed down to Yogurt land for "dessert." Read: giant tub of ice cream. Hooray for one opening in Cerritos! That's a lot closer than Irvine. Also played the Wii (and my first video game in years). It was still hard - for whatever reason, I love watching other people play video games but not playing them myself.
- Sunday I had a most-of-the-day group meeting, laundry, and Corner Bakery for dinner. Help! Our anniversary is next Saturday ... what is something nice you can do for someone you can't get through the week without?
- As a result of the weekend (close to 150 miles in 2 days), amongst other things, I decided I need a new car. A very nice one. If I have to drive all over creation and spend anywhere between 45 minutes to 2 hours in the car a day, I deserve it.
- I'm going to Japan for my MBA international globe trip. I've always wanted to go to Japan, but I think it'll be a little disappointing because I wanted to go for vacation, not work. I'm excited my friend and I managed to score the same location though. And I'm only a tiny little bit bummed that I'm not going to Cuba.
- I fell off the Slim-Fast bandwagon. But lately I've been eating unusual foods. Need to get back on that for the holidays.
- I'm starting my Christmas shopping, but all my blog reading has gotten me in a very personalized, DIY mood. For example, I wanted to buy my grandmother personalized notecards. This turned into quite the ordeal, because I couldn't find any under $50. Option #2? Personalized photo cards. At about $1.50 each, I can order 15-20 and not break the bank. Andy's anniversary gift might end up quite personalized also. ;-)
- The impending end of the year has me a little freaked out. There's so much to do still! I need to buy more contact lenses, do my Christmas shopping, see the redecorated Sleeping Beauty castle, cover for people (now two) at work, arrange a visit with my mom in January for wedding-related duties, turn in my paperwork to travel overseas, and that doesn't even include finishing out the three classes I'm taking now! Yikes!!
Posted by
5:18 PM
Saturday, November 17, 2007
Friday, November 16, 2007
A successful shopping trip! I visited TJ Maxx on the way home from work. I'm still on the lookout for nice brown cardigans and flat black shoes. But I did get one thing crossed off my list: brown tights to wear with my white and brown-patterned dress for Thanksgiving next week. Today's take:
- Brown patent Steve Madden pumps with an ankle strap and button. I'm not really in to patent, but I do love Steve Madden shoes. And these are an exception.
- Express brown patterned and plain black tights. I don't think my black tights from the Limited Too really fit anymore, and I don't want to find out.
- Brown dress with a light blue and red flower pattern. It's knee-length (so OK for work), button front, and ties in the back.
- Undershirts for Andy (special request!).
Posted by
8:10 PM
Wednesday, November 14, 2007
I could hardly believe it, but Style Me Pretty featured two inspiration boards with white color schemes. I thought I was just so lame and out of fashion.
Here's the first....
and here's the second!
They're a little weaksauce because they only involve food and flowers. But, hello, white wedding dress! I don't care what everyone else is wearing. :-D
Posted by
9:55 PM
If what doesn't kill you makes you stronger, then I must be damn near invincible!
Posted by
9:54 PM
So my super-cool friend comes to a meeting today and has this amazingly clever wallet.Just $16 from Torrid. I don't know what she was doing in there (she is most definitely not plus-sized or goth), and yes I did just buy my Paul Frank wallet, but I think I need one. Especially when it's covered in silver glitter.
Posted by
9:48 PM
Monday, November 12, 2007
Saturday went by so fast. We got up and made breakfast (my favorite part of the weekend), and then Andy sat down with me while I finished my database programming. I have to admit, I'm starting to get a little worried about the group project... but at least my homework went well. I took a little break afterwards, since it was immensely frustrating, and made a pumpkin pie. That was payment for helping with my homework! I sat down to do my PM homework while it was baking. I'd forgotten how difficult it was, and it wasn't very much easier with the hints my professor sent. Andy ended up helping me with that also ... I don't think I could have survived the day without him! We made a Sam's trip and got gas for the week, had dinner, I finished the problems and did pilates before bed.
Today was over before it began! I got to work extra early for a 7:30 a.m. meeting, worked straight through lunch, and up until my next check-in meeting. Most of my friends at work are going on international trips next semester also, and we're all comparing notes. It's amazingly hectic to think about, and I don't even know where I'm going yet. Plus, next year, I need to find a reception site and dress, two major wedding-planning milestones. I also managed to bid for my classes: Business Law and Data modeling with spreadsheets. Hopefully two easier classes to help me get through my last full load semester.
Now that I'm at school, I'm reading Yahoo! food's recommendations for easy dinners. Someday I'll actually be able to make things like that! I can't wait for the quiet life of a working housewife ... :-)
Posted by
5:12 PM
Sunday, November 11, 2007
Oh my, it's been over a week!
This week was super busy. Here's the summary:
Monday: I worked really hard all day, because my coworker is going to be out for the rest of the month getting married (yay!) but I've been assigned most of her work. I didn't know the database testing would be so difficult, so I focused on getting my miscellanea done. My project management class was canceled, so I took the evening to to go the mall, exercise, and finish up my database homework. Believe it or not, there was nothing I liked at the mall. I'm on the lookout for flat black shoes (that don't resemble house slippers), brown sweaters, and brown tights. I can't believe how great it was not having class for just that one day. That means summer semester will be really great!
Tuesday: Was also my coworker's last day in the office. It was a pretty stressful day because I had to get in all my questions and still work! But, I had to leave early (OK, on time) to get up to LA for a group meeting. The traffic was so light all day it was almost unbelievable! I happened to get there a little early and saw my self-management professor in the hall. I have to say, I like both my self-management and database professors in totally different ways. My database professor can look at something and immediately draw a perfect ERD, and program the SQL for it faster than I can even figure out what it is! But my self-management professor is, I think, a very good psychologist and so laid back that I'd love to be more like that! Anyway, we ended up having a fairly unsuccessful meeting, a mind-boggling class, and I came straight home.
Wednesday: I spent all day testing, and going absolutely crazy because some of the things just weren't working. Plus, I had other work to do, and people calling and wanting explanations! I stayed late to catch up, but still had to leave because I knew I had a quiz and the traffic was only going to get worse the later I left. We did have a quiz, and I managed to get to class 15 minutes early, which was enough time to skim and memorize the important chapter. The class session was on meditation, and the professor brought in a yogi to lead the class. She also checked our auras on a computer - all but 2 or 3 people were yellow, including me. If we're all in class though, wouldn't we all be in a learning state of mind? It ended up that her classes were pretty expensive and I really do prefer the more athletic version of yoga. When I got home, I checked the patio because my mom had sent us a Halloween/Thanksgiving gift, and it arrived and was a great dinner/after class snack. And I don't even like popcorn!
Thursday: Still more testing. I did try to finish it up, and asked a bunch of questions, and felt pretty good by the time I left. I had gotten to work at 6:45 to get as much work in as I could and still leave by 3 to make my doctor's appointment. It didn't go well - that's a post within itself. I came home rather devastated and sick, and Andy and I watched TV for the rest of the night. I couldn't do much else! At this point, the week couldn't be getting much worse.
Friday: I got my answers and turned in my test plan in the morning. In fact, I got most everything done that had been hounding me. Things were going pretty well all day, I got to have lunch (for the first time all week!), and my friend and I made an early morning grocery run for snacks for our coworker's birthday. I even started reviewing the class offerings for Monday's registration. Then, at 4 p.m., I got an email that my group's test plans weren't good enough to be signed off on, and that meant next week's testing was going to be held up until it was fixed. All I could do was accept the meeting notice, and then left. It was the perfect end to a perfectly awful week. When I got home, I watched this weird but funny video (yes, that is what college was like!), did yoga, and then we went to Disneyland. We stayed extra late and even watched the fireworks show; something we rarely do. I bought my coworker a wedding present at the Disney store before we left. We were both exhausted and came home before the park closed.
Saturday: I woke up late for my all-day database review/help session. I didn't get to school until almost 11, and the review started at 10. I probably could have gotten the whole assignment done that day if I had just gotten up earlier. We also had a group meeting to hammer out some things, but mostly worked on the homework. I didn't finish because the session ended and Andy invited me to go go-karting. I've never been, and I have to admit by the time I got home I was feeling a little anti-social (programming with do that to you). When we got there, I almost didn't want to race. It seemed rather dangerous, I was tired, and it was pretty expensive. But our group decided to do just one race, and I figured that was safe enough. It ended up being really fun! I'd probably go again ... if it was less expensive. We then headed to the Tustin Marketplace for dinner at Buca di Beppo (instead of BJ's, which was insanely crowded ... and I have to admit, I like Buca better). After a super long and fabulous dinner, we all headed home. That was a much better end to a crappy week!
Posted by
2:17 PM
Saturday, November 3, 2007
Friday, November 2, 2007
Happy November!
Today was sort of a fun day. The company I kind of work for (long story) has a 9/80 schedule. It was gloomy and foggy, the kind of day you'd rather stay in bed. Since not too many people were at work, there just wasn't much going on. Which was nice, after month-end.
I got a number of compliments on my new cut. And it was very easy to style this morning.
Andy and I have been watching The Office online occasionally. It's a funny show, even though I don't like Steve Carrell much. The sad part is, we talk about how our office should be a reality TV show. I think most people think we're exaggerating, or making things up, but really - it's as crazy as the show. If not more so, because it's real life!
We had lunch at Ruby's to discuss just that. Their chili leaves something to be desired, but their Pumpkin milkshake was fantastic! I loved the candy corn touch. Too bad it pushed me far over my daily calories (which is working, because I'm just a couple of pounds from my college weight target). The waitress was sort of confused by my friend's cut-out puppets. Yes, it was that complex of a story.
One of my coworkers is getting married in a week! I talked to her this afternoon about wedding things. She, also, did not have a good answer to getting out of inviting awkward family to the wedding.
After I got home I saw an email for the Priscilla of Boston Spring 2008 collection runway shows. I fell asleep about halfway in the middle of the Melissa Sweet collection (which I didn't like much anyway). Andy and I went grocery shopping and I got my ingredients for hummus and chili, which thrilled Andy.
So, I didn't get any homework done. But this weekend I'll be SQL-ing like crazy!
Posted by
9:15 PM
Thursday, November 1, 2007
The Slim-Fast website is down, so I can't log my happy meal. My group meeting is over (and went pretty well. So, what's left to do? Sure, I could just go to bed. But I'd rather shop.
These are so pretty, but I know the picture's enlarged. I just like the cut - it's very unusual. (Yes, they're CZ. Girl's gotta be realistic here.)Yes, I'm starting to think about Christmas. My mom has already asked me what I want (more time would be good, thanks!). That means.... present time!
I'd like to get personalized note cards for my grandma. Papyrus has some beautiful sets ... but I think I need something a little more within budget.
I know my dad will be getting his Sports Illustrated renewed. He loves it! I also have a gift from Alaska for both him and my mom, but I decided to hold on to them until Christmas so that I could transport them safely.
After that though ... then what?? I think I have some shopping to do!
Posted by
9:48 PM
Hooray! I got my hair cut today (finally) by the magical Melanie at JC Penney. Now I look like Leslie Feist!
Posted by
7:00 PM
Wednesday, October 31, 2007
Oh yeah....
Happy Halloween!
I spent it in class taking a quiz and learning about coping and defense mechanisms (and yes, I'm still an MBA candidate).
What did you do? Tell me so I can live vicariously through you, while hating school at the same time.
Posted by
9:34 PM
Tuesday, October 30, 2007
Well, there goes October! Coming this November:
- An enormous SQL assignment
- Working on my group database project
- Two more project management homework assignments
- Two more self-management class write-ups
- Starting on the final paper for self-management
- Registering for spring classes
- Getting my paperwork together for the international trip
- Database testing at work
- Thanksgiving
- Two more case write ups for project management
- Long overdue oil change for my car
- Doctor's appointment
- Buy glasses and contact lenses (and use up that FSA!)
- Christmas shopping
Funny Woman's Unbelievably Busy Day
Posted by
6:37 PM
Sunday, October 28, 2007
The fires here are just about under control, thanks to some dense fog Thursday. I took some pictures on my way to work and school in Irvine Wednesday with my camera phone, but they didn't turn out well.
These are from my way to work. The traffic was bad so I was on Westminster. The clouds around the sun aren't clouds, they're actually smoke.
I took these pictures on the way to Irvine on 405 around South Coast Plaza. Midwesterners might recognize the smoke looking like a wall cloud, that comes before a tornado.*note Disneyland Mickey & Friends parking garage ticket in the reflection. You can also see that the highway was almost empty, and this was around 5 p.m.
Posted by
2:29 PM
Since this weekend was sort of Halloween weekend, here are my costumes:
Friday: IOM Business Student
Yup, spent another day on campus in a group meeting with my professor that started off badly, but ended a little better. But, with 6 weeks left in the semester, I have the feeling it's going to be a lot of work. I got home about 8:30 and Andy had made dinner, but I pretty much passed out after that.
Saturday: USC fan
I wasn't sure how much I felt like going to Manhattan Beach to watch the SC game, but I'm glad we went. USC lost to Oregon, but they were the better team and it was a close game. Also, that morning, I woke up to this horrible sharp pain in my shoulder. I think it was from sleeping on a different pillow because of the laundry snafu (which I just learned stands for "situation normal, all f-ed up"). After the game we made a stop at Target for necessities (deodorant, bath soap, and autumn mix!). For dinner, we tried to finish off the pizza from last week, but I think we'll still have some leftovers. Afterwards I spent the rest of the night doing homework and staring at Allure Bridals. I. Love. This. Site. My current favorite:
Sunday morning: Runner
Finally, it was the pumpkin run! Although, I was kind of disappointed. I hadn't been running for almost three weeks because of being sick, busy, or the fires. Even though I've been keeping up with yoga at home, that won't help much running a few miles. Just after the run started, I thought I was going to pass out. I don't know if it was lack of food, the fires, the air quality, or lack of training, but I kept wondering if I fell over if anyone would stop and help me out. Anyway, I finished at 34:34, 3 minutes longer than last year. Oddly enough, there were so few in my division that my time got me third place! So even though my time was terrible, it worked out. We also stocked up on SoyJoy bars since they had so many left over, and had our traditional unhealthy after-race breakfast at Burger King.
Sunday (afternoon/evening): Cook
The best part of the run was getting a pumpkin at the end! I spent the afternoon cutting one up and calling home, then boiling it for probably about an hour, and mashing it. After that, I had a giant lump of yellow mush. We had to make a quick Wal-Mart run for evaporated milk, because I wanted to start with the pie. Once that was in the oven and baking, I started on the bread, which is surprisingly similar to the cookie recipe. I realized not a minute too soon that the pie and bread needed to be baked at the same temperature, so for a while I had both going at the same time!
For dinner, Andy finished off the pizza, and I had to think a little while because, even though I was hungry, I had used up most of my calories for the day on breakfast. :( So I made the easiest thing ever: pasta with shrimp, and an olive oil and lemon pepper sauce. It took about 10 minutes to make, about 400 calories, and so very good!
Posted by
1:12 PM
Friday, October 26, 2007
Stuff in the mail today:
- I won a Ryka tee in the tennis shoe contest I saw on emilystyle!
- My HMO seems to know that it's open enrollment time, because all of a sudden they have a newsletter to help me be healthy. It would help more if they could get my address right, so I'd have updated cards.
- I got a postcard in the mail for $1.00 off Buitoni whole wheat pasta. Normally I wouldn't care, but you can also download a recipe book for free from the site (must register, but you could use a fake email because it will pop up off the site, not email). It inspired me to start a folder of recipes on my computer. It might be worth it for the white bean soup. But, as my mom says, if you get one good recipe out of a cookbook, it's worth it. My stained Betty Crocker cookbook must be worth it's weight in gold then!
- On a side note, now I want the bridal edition.
Posted by
10:11 PM
Ever since the advent of tabbed browsing, I now usually keep three windows open, with about 6 tabs in each window, of the things I read every day.
Real Simple features New Uses for Old Things, and I could seriously spend hours on this website looking at all their fabulous ideas. For instance, this is brilliant for someone like us who have a tiny kitchen:
If we owned our own place, I'd put a shelf with these containers for spices and things under the stove hood. That would look good and be handy too!
Posted by
9:53 PM
Thursday, October 25, 2007
Travel + Leisure did a survey on peoples' favorite cities. I realized that I haven't been to most of these cities, so I really couldn't judge their fabulousness.
LA tanked in the ratings.
Is it really that bad here? Or is everywhere else just that much better??
Posted by
8:09 PM
Wednesday, October 24, 2007
Yes, the fire here is still terrible. It appears that all of San Diego is on fire. I can't imagine, but I've heard from people at work who actually have TVs and watch the news, that someone intentionally set some of the fires.
How could someone do this?
MSNBC has this map that includes Los Angeles. The fire that is closest to me, but still fairly far away, is the little icon over Santa Ana (it's actually in Irvine). It's eerie - we've hiked in Santiago Canyon. Malibu off PCH was beautiful when we took our day trip to Santa Barbara; we stopped at a Starbucks that is probably frequented by Britney Spears (she's in Malibu right??). The Pepperdine campus there was probably the most beautiful university campus I've ever seen. And we had a fantastic time in Temecula on an organized tour; that was the time that we both picked up a reception information packet, and we weren't even engaged yet.
I've read in the news people are comparing it to hurricane Katrina, and that is just not true. It is terrible, and it has devastated many people here, and it is very scary. But for the most part we're all going about or regular business. There is no devastation when we open the front door; no bodies in flooded streets. The San Diego area that has been evacuated is mostly wealthier neighborhoods, which is why people are choosing to stay in hotels. It's awful, but in a different way.
Thanks to my grandmother who offered us to stay with her if our apartment was on fire, and my cousin who checked in. It's very scary here. There is ash floating around everywhere, it's very dry, and the sun and full moon are orangey rather than their usual color.
Posted by
9:32 PM
I just adore this. I'm going to get my hair cut like her by Melanie at JC Penney.
Posted by
9:30 PM
Tuesday, October 23, 2007
Southern California is still on fire. If I were to imagine what the end of the world would be like, it'd be something like this. I didn't bring my camera, but I wanted to take pictures today. Maybe tomorrow.
Our apartment, both my campuses, and work are all safe from the fire, but it's still smoky and I feel like crap.
Posted by
7:36 PM
Monday, October 22, 2007
In my project management class, there are 23 students.
6 of these students are female. That is 26%, about the same percentage of women in the class of 2009 (29%, according to the site).
2 of these female students are pregnant. That is 8% of the class, and 33% of the entire female population.
This totally blows my mind.
Posted by
10:13 PM
It's windy, and hot. And it smells like a campfire outside - you can feel it on your skin and in your eyes. It's smoggy and I feel like I have a cold; my head is all stuffed up and I keep drinking water because it's so dry.
I think most people know about the fires in Malibu because of all the famous and rich people that live there. But there's also fires in Santiago Canyon, near Irvine where I'm in school. It really does look like this:I'm inside now but my nose is still burning and I still have a headache. We, and our apartment, are alright because we're far enough in the city and away from the fires. But what a mess! I hope it gets cleared up soon, because the dust and ash really sucks.
You can see how it's blowing out to sea (and covering everywhere I usually go) in this satellite picture:
Posted by
5:18 PM
Sunday, October 21, 2007
This morning I failed to get up early enough to make the 10:30 opening of California Adventure. But sleeping in is SO GOOD.
My ring finger burn is healing pretty well. I've been anal retentive about protecting it and putting on silver sulfadiazine. I'm hoping that it won't be as ugly as I originally feared; there's no dent in my finger any more. Apparently you can buy it on amazon.com, but their site isn't working right now.
We're having super Santa Ana winds, and it's knocking the power out in north LA. Too bad, because I love windy warm days!
I got the Christmas Oriental Trading catalog, but I've been disappointed in what they've offered lately. But I tend to examine it pretty closely, and I noticed these little wood boxes that would be perfect for work "holiday" gifts. Maybe filled with Christmas-y candy?
I couldn't be more excited about Christmas this year. I can't wait!! School will be over for the time being, and I get to visit family, and they'll start playing Christmas songs on the Coast, and I can bake all kinds of things... But, we all know what really happens. I get really excited, finals come around, and I don't get around to any of it. I'm hoping this year will be different!
We made it out to California Adventure for the evening, but it was really windy. Trees were falling everywhere, and it was probably a little dangerous. But I was happy to see the decorations, and we went on the Tower of Terror and California Screamin' before we left for home to do the laundry.
Posted by
11:35 AM
Saturday, October 20, 2007
Yesterday was a pretty productive day. I scanned and emailed a copy of the chapel information packet to send to my mom, and mailed her that along with a big awful picture of me and one of my company directors. They'll like it, I'm sure! The computers were down when I went to the post office, but apparently you don't need a special computer-generated sticker to mail an envelope under 13 ounces. Mine came in at 12, so for $3 it's on it's way. Thanks USPS!
After work, I drove to LA for a group meeting. I had bought a Wendy's meal with a side salad that I saved for dinner, but forgot it before I left. We worked until 10 and I got home at 11. I swear I think I was delirious at that point; you can only draw ERDs for so long! We also got nice certificates in the mail for completing the Disneyland half-marathon.
Today was a busy day also. I started the morning with a run, which went terribly because I haven't been running in almost 3 weeks (and the Pumpkin Run is next weekend, already!). Came home, had some morning-weekend coffee, and got ready to go on our LA adventure.
Andy got us tickets to a movie and had looked up a talk. First, we saw the Darjeeling Limited at the Arclight theater. It's at Hollywood and Vine, and sort of upscale - they have assigned seating. It was probably the nicest movie theater I've ever been in! We almost didn't make it because of the traffic / not really knowing where it was, but we ended up having 10 minutes to spare and time for hot dogs!
As for the movie, I'd heard plenty of good reviews and an interesting radio commercial. But the movie itself was, I hate to say, disappointing. I didn't think it was funny, and there were a lot of really sad parts. The scenery was beautiful and the acting was really good, though. As we were leaving, though, I swear I saw Doris Roberts at the box office.
Next up was the Ayn Rand talk at the 50th anniversary of Atlas Shrugged exhibit. The lecture was pretty good and only 30 minutes, but the questions went on for over an hour. Unfortunately there were some real crazies too. On the other hand, it was neat to see some of the handwritten pages. By the way, I'd recommend the book; it's long but the story is great!
As we were leaving, a woman driving the Doris Roberts - lookalike in a hybrid Civic took our spot. We got Goody's pizza on the way home (the only place with pokey sticks!).
Posted by
11:14 PM
Labels: day, links, restaurants
Thursday, October 18, 2007
Wednesday, October 17, 2007
The Harry and David catalog came the other day. I want to send these ahead to Nebraska/Missouri, mostly because I want to eat them!
While I was on the site, I saw this also: 'tis the season to eat pumpkin!Sorry about the enormous "special value." It's buy one get one free. But feel free to send your extra to me!
Also while on the site, I saw the candy cane flavor. Yum! Look familiar?
Posted by
10:14 PM
Chinese Women in No Hurry to Wed
Now, this article seems innocuous. Similar to what's happened in the United States. The part that I take issue with was this:
"In families that did have daughters, the one-child policy meant most girls were raised as only children, lavished with esteem-boosting attention from parents, grandparents and even great-grandparents in China’s multi-generational households."
Yes, thanks. Thank you, MSNBC, for perpetuating the "only child" stereotype. I'd like to think that I'm not spoiled, and a hard worker. I know some other only children who are well-adjusted. Being picky about a husband is hardly attributable to being an only child - when economic conditions are better, the need to be taken care of by a husband suddenly isn't a priority. What's wrong with women, with no siblings, wanting more out of life??
A Day of Reckoning for Gen-Yers
Once again, thanks for perpetuating a stereotype. A lot of my friends still live with their parents, and really that's understandable. Most people couldn't afford even an apartment out here on a starting salary. But not everyone in their 20's and 30's is living at home, leeching off their parents, incapable of making decisions, and expecting all of their wildest fantasies that their parents told them would come true to materialize.
Then again, maybe I've had my "day of reckoning." A little while ago, I thought I was doing pretty well. I'm able to pay my bills, live a comfortable and for the most part financially independent life. Then, we sort of set a date for the wedding. Chapel is $2300. I made a fairly big milestone in my savings account, but it's still nothing close to a condo down payment, especially if something were to happen like losing my job or my car were to bust. I went to the first information session for my MBA international trip, another $2800. I guess that's to be expected when you're going to a school you couldn't afford if not for a generous employer. There are a few trips coming up next year that I won't be able to go on, not only because between the wedding and trip I'll be wiped out of extra cash, but I won't have the vacation time either.
Does that mean I fit the Gen-Y mold? I'm finally realizing I need to join the "grown up" world? That's funny, I thought working full time at a respectable company, getting an MBA from a top university, and taking advantage of every opportunity I can
OK, < / rant>.
Posted by
6:19 PM
Labels: links
Monday, October 15, 2007
Upcoming week
Here's what's going on in my little world this week:
Monday: work and midterm
Tuesday: work, yoga, globe trip info session, L'Oreal E-Strat competition discussion, database management
Wednesday: work, maybe a reaction paper, self-help class
Thursday: work, yoga, leave early to reserve the chapel, maybe work out dinner at one of the potential reception sites ;-)
Friday: work, call home
Saturday: Bridal showcase (perhaps?), work on our database group project, hopefully write up some of the project management book report
Sunday: California Adventure, one way or another!!
Posted by
5:37 PM
Well, I didn't get everything accomplished that I wanted to this weekend. I did not:
- Exercise every day. I wimped out Sunday to study, and I was sore!
- Find the maker's mark for my ring. I still can't get it off, but at least it doesn't hurt and looks less gnarly than before.
- Knit.
- Email my resume.
- Buy new sunglasses. It was cloudy all day anyway.
Posted by
5:34 PM
Labels: to do
Sunday, October 14, 2007
So, there won't be any wedding pictures like this:
Why? Because I managed to burn my finger. Now, I have a nasty burn, and can't even get my ring off... I guess if it scars, it'll be healed up in the next year and a half...
Posted by
6:26 PM
Saturday, October 13, 2007
Today's been a surprisingly busy day!
Woke up and had pancakes for breakfast. Yummmmm! :)
Emailed out my notes for Critical Chain (finally). I also wished hard for the rain to stop, because my coworker's future brother-in-law was getting married in the park nearby... outside. With no tent. I know, I don't know them, but still, planning a wedding suddenly gives you a lot of sympathy for other brides.
Then, started messing around online. As you can see, the template isn't quite there yet. But after an hour or so of working on the background and trying out different colors, you can see where one may get tired of programming.
Also found while wasting time online:
These awesome British "Keep Calm and Carry On" posters from Oh Joy!. I may print one out to post in my cubicle at work - the story behind them is fascinating.
Clever, cute, and fun shirts from Shana Logic. I would totally wear this hat.
A lot of the bees like DailyCandy. I've checked it out a few times, but it just doesn't mesh with me. Plus, when you know not to check a total stranger's blog because you know they're on vacation, that's when you need to reach out to your non-virtual friends.
Reading the news + myspace before bed = horrible dreams about people you miss.
The rain cleared up! But I'm sure the ground was still soaked.
After that I was feeling a little guilty for not studying again, so I started flipping through my PM notes. After getting immediately bored, I spent about another hour drawing ERDs for database. I was tempted to try all of them that I could figure, but it's still hard for me to remember that I'm in a group of perfectly capable students.
I thought about going for a run, but instead made chicken and dumplings for my sick charge's dinner. It was fantastic but I felt guilty, and just did regular yoga. Still not wanting to study (and wanting back in the kitchen) I decided I'd make a half-batch of fudge, using the "family recipe." It's never worked, but I figured a half wouldn't waste much. It might have worked tonight, if I hadn't burnt it to a crisp. After much pouting and whining (so attractive!) Andy tried to say it was good (so not) but then found a variation online that might work. So I'm waiting for it to cool to 110 degrees, and it's taking forever, but looking promising. It's just a little thicker than syrup right now. I'll post the recipe if it works...
Posted by
10:04 PM
This was a fun little distraction from doing homework ... and studying ... and fixing my template ... I know it's a weird picture, and I'm not quite sure what I was doing at the time. But look at all the people it thinks look like me! Apparently, fair-skinned white girls all pretty much look the same.
http://www.myheritage.com/collage |
Posted by
8:14 PM
Labels: random
You might be wondering... what on earth is going on here??
I'm learning HTML. Or XML. I'm not really sure. But I'm trying to make myself my very own template!
In case you're wondering, I'm using these great websites for help (and my personal webmaster!):
Palette Builder
Tizag HTML tutorial
Computer Hope color codes
Posted by
2:31 PM
Labels: links
To Do
Here's the weekend's to-do list:
Go to the grocery store, for my caprese sandwich fixings and Von's chili.Did it! But I may need a trip back already for the things I forgot.- Bake foccacia. I'm going to try this easy focaccia recipe, maybe with some alterations, but I'd also like to try this garlic cheese flatbread recipe sometime also.
- Run or yoga at least once each day.
- Try to find the maker's mark in my engagement ring. This site might be just the ticket.
- Study for my PM midterm.
- Finish my SQL coding homework.
- Start drawing ERDs for our group project.
- Work at least a little on the blanket I've been knitting for years now!
- Email my resume to the career center for approval.
- Buy new sunglasses (my $5 Wal Mart ones are peeling and irritating my skin, and remind me how mad I am at them).
- Organize my wedding inspiration pictures, and work out a comparable Google spreadsheet system to compare costs.
- Get in to using Google calendar. I'd use it more often, but I don't care for any of the display gadgets. It has a lot of potential though. I did set up a week reminder for birthdays. Plus I don't really want to carry a calendar with me.
- Take my PM midterm.
- Go to the first information session about my required international trip.
- Go to the rotational employee meeting.
- Return the bland, boring scrapbook I bought. I saw this one and immediately changed my mind.
- Maybe go to the Bridal Showplace next Saturday.
Posted by
1:15 PM
Friday, October 12, 2007
Wow, the week has gone by so fast. It seems like just Monday I was wishing it was Friday already.
Was a holiday for every company except for mine. It's alright, though, because I had what's becoming a fairly typical, uneventful day. I stopped off at Target for a gift bag, snack bar, and Starbucks Pumpkin Spice latte on the way to PM class. Since when is a tall latte $4??? I think for Christmas I will ask for a very generous gift card, otherwise I won't be able to justify my peppermint, gingerbread, or egg nog lattes.
I went to yoga, and the class was almost empty! The problem with going to class by myself is that when someone ... um, over extends themselves, and ... well, farts, there's no one to laugh with. It just seems rude to laugh by yourself. I tried the turkey chili from the cafeteria, but it was a weird sort of spicy, not the good kind. And nothing like the Von's chili, which could possibly be the best chili ever. I went up to LA for class and didn't have any money so I couldn't buy anything more than a bag of Skittles, but Andy made me a sandwich when I came home.
So sweet! Every time I go to the little shop in the business building, I want the caprese sandwich. It's $7, though, and they don't take cash. As I didn't have cash, I decided I'd just go to the grocery store and make my own, and bake my own foccacia to boot. I also got to deliver a gift to one of my birthday girls, which of course was fun. I did a little better than average on my non-midterm midterm, but I feel kind of slighted about my pre-fall grade. To be fair, I didn't put in much effort. But at least I sat through the whole thing, which is more than I can say for most people!
The best part of today was going to Todai for lunch with Andy and friends. It's not fun not seeing him for most of the week. I sent out about eight emails through Here Comes The Guide to potential reception venues, and sat and stared at my inbox waiting for replies. I didn't want to go to self-help class; even though it was fun I simply couldn't wait to go home. But once I was home the exhaustion from the week, being sick, and the pressure of work, school, wedding planning, property purchasing, car buying, along with not being able to do the little things that I enjoy so much, really got to me. But I was so worn out that I think I eventually just passed out.
Not having to go to class is fantastic. I didn't go to yoga and instead ruined all the healthy eating I've been doing because our department hosted a pizza lunch. It was fun, and I had no idea how funny some of the people I work with are! After a slightly botched attempt to surprise my friend with her very belated birthday gift, I went home, took an easy run, and talked to my parents for a very long time about wedding related things (I think I'm hardly a bridezilla, but I feel like I have to talk over every decision!). Andy came home rather late with my cold, so we got smoothies from across the street, came home and made him soup, and sent my mom the information I'd found so far. I also finished reading Critical Chain, which ended up being as cheesy and self-serving as I expected. The concepts are good, and the author is very good at explaining them, even if he beats a dead horse occasionally. It's a little like the Da Vinci Code - the history and theory are fascinating, but the story that drives it is formulaic.
These are my total weakness, by the way. Not cookies, not ice cream, not alcohol. I could eat boxes and boxes. Made of 100% recycled paperboard!
I found out that our chapel is available both weekends we were considering, which was great news! Now we just need to reserve it. I also typed my Critical Chain notes for my group. We had lunch at My Place (a sports bar, not my home!), and I finally got to deliver my last birthday gift for a while. It made her so happy! Which, of course, made me happy. I went to the grocery store after work, where the ATM never works, forgot a number of things, and dragged it all home. My mom wants to come out to visit, and help me find reception venues, but I just don't have the extra time. We had dinner at the Corner Bakery, came home, read, and that was pretty much the night.
Posted by
6:52 PM
Labels: day
So, the other day, at work, we watched a video, and my friend and I were sitting in the back and both noticed this startling similarity:
We both thought the same thing, so it's not just me. Really?? We make Johnny #5??? Seems like we're about 20 years too late. But cool!
Posted by
6:42 PM