Prepare yourselves, my dears.
Remember that whole one-ingredient ice cream fad? Leslie has one-upped us all. And of course I show this to my husband and over the drooling I think he said something like "make this please!"
So I did.
First, we need a pie crust. For whatever reason I could get to Target, but not the grocery store, so I ended up with nilla wafers upon request rather than a pre-made graham or chocolate crust. Unfortunately for waistlines everywhere, I used this Southern food recipe. I baked it much longer, about 20 minutes, because it wasn't going to go in the oven again.
Then I dropped two bananas and a big scoop of peanut butter into the food processor. Two layers was just a little too much work! Once in ooey-gooey state, I spread it into the pie crust and plunked the whole deal into the freezer.
What's that in the background? Oh yes. No chocolate syrup here. I topped slices with Nutella.
Something about the freezing really brought out the peanut butter flavor. I was a little worried that it wouldn't be peanut-buttery enough. And as an added bonus, nilla wafers seem to be a fairly light alternative!
I think I'm off the hook ever spending $30 on the smallest ice cream cake available at Baskin Robbins.
Thursday, March 11, 2010
Ice Cream Pie
Posted by
6:22 PM
Wednesday, March 10, 2010
Oven Fries
I try, very hard actually, to eat well. Stick to healthy food, more vegetables than cookies, easy on the meat and carbs.
But we went to BJ's. I had chili, which was good, but other people had fries. French fries!! Rolled in trans fats and dipped in MSG!
As soon as we walked in the door I started chopping potatoes, without any real direction.
I'll guess I cooked these until crispy-looking at 350 degrees. With Lawry's salt and ketchup.
Why don't I make these more often?
Posted by
9:23 PM
Labels: appetizers, sides
Tuesday, March 9, 2010
Red Lobster Biscuits
Don't laugh.
You've been to Red Lobster. You know these biscuits are probably the very best part of a trip there. Actually, Red Lobster is one of my family's places. There aren't a lot of places to get good seafood there - we're so spoiled here on the coast! And I will not eat something out of the Mississippi River. Just trust me.
Plus, I have a special memory from a dinner there. My grandmother, who by the way is one of the coolest people ever, told me to try one of her crab legs. And I did, even though I wasn't a seafood-eater at all. Thus started an expensive habit.
Anyway, recipes kept popping up everywhere. To the point that I finally gave in.
And, sadly, these didn't cut it for me. But I'm pretty sure it was my fault. I bought this "heart smart" Bisquick the last time, and I don't think it's as good as the real thing. And then I didn't have any oregano (I know!!), so I substituted parsley. Fail, guys. Fail.
I'd try again, and pay better attention to the recipe. But I'll stick to my California seafood.
Posted by
6:26 PM
Monday, March 8, 2010
Baked Potato Eggs
Why didn't we think of this before? I agree. Why didn't we think of this before??
Why baking a potato, hollowing it out, and cracking an egg inside it was suddenly the talk of the day, I'll never know. Such is the case with all the blogs I read. They all seem to get the same brilliant ideas at the same time.
Think of these as a kind of twice baked potato, without the mashed potato filling. I used a recipe from Real Simple, but there's a lot of opportunity here.
Have you ever noticed how enormous the regular white potatoes are? Is that just my neighborhood? I swear each one itself weighs a pound.
Step 1: Bake potato.
Step 2: Hollow out, insert egg. Be careful, and hollow out as much as you can. They're delicate. I don't know about you, but I always buy extra large eggs. No reason.
Step 3: Add cheese. Everything is better with cheese.
They ended up being kind of a lot of work, because it takes a long time to bake a potato and you almost have to bake it twice. I know you can make baked potatoes in the microwave, and I wouldn't blame you for trying it. On the other hand, they keep well, so you could always make a big bunch and refrigerate or freeze them. A half of one of those giant potatoes? Perfect for a relatively healthy lunch (if not smothered in cheeeeeeeese).
Posted by
9:57 PM
Labels: sides
Sunday, March 7, 2010
Cupcake Hero!!
See, I read all these blogs. Mostly about cupcakes. And one has this contest, Cupcake Hero. I kind of always wanted to enter but it's kind of intimidating. And this month the secret ingredient was caramel, and hey, I know how to bake pretty well, and I have a blog, so ... here I am entering a cupcake contest.
I'm not used to, um, actually documenting what I do. Or measuring. But I actually took notes. Yeah, I'm really trying this time.
So on to the good stuff! I humbly present Devil's Caramel Cupcakes.
For the cupcakes:
- 2 cups all purpose flour
- 1 cup powdered sugar
- 2/3 cup granulated sugar
- 3/4 cup butter (OK, I used my good buddy Imperial. So that's 60% vegetable oil margarine.)
- 1/2 cup cocoa
- 1 and 1/4 cup water
- 1 and 1/4 teaspoons baking soda
- 1 teaspoon kosher salt
- 1/4 teaspoon baking powder
- 1 egg
- 2 egg whites
- 5 tablespoons caramel
Step 2: Cream the butter and sugar. Start slowly lest it fly all over your kitchen (not like I know anything about that).
Step 3: Add the flour, soda, salt, baking powder, eggs, and water. I sort of did it in that order.
Step 4: Pour out one cup of batter and put it aside. This will become the caramel layer.
Step 5: Add the cocoa to the batter. Mix it for a good few minutes to get everything smooth.
Step 6: Fill the cupcake liners a little less than half full with the chocolate batter. We have these really big soup spoons that came with our silverware set, and I used about one giant spoonful of those.
Step 7: Whisk together 5 tablespoons of caramel with the cup of cake batter. I used a fork in a bowl, but if you have two mixing bowls (lucky!), you could do it with the mixer too. Also, I used Smucker's Sundae Syrup. 'Cause making cupcakes was daunting enough without being super industrious and making caramel too.
Step 8: Fill the cupcake liners about 2/3 full with the caramel batter. This was about the same giant spoonful, and ends up was just exactly enough for 12 cupcakes.
Step 9: Top with a dollop of chocolate batter. Keep in mind that I kind of overfilled, because I love when the cupcake puffs out over the top of the cupcake liner.
Step 10: Bake for 3o minutes. I'm basically at sea level, though, so check with a toothpick if you're not quite sure. The coloring reminds me of rottweilers.
For the frosting:
- 1 cup butter (Yes, real butter this time!)
- 1 lb. powdered sugar
- 1/3 cup caramel
Then go get your husband to use his fancy expensive camera to take extra nice pictures in exchange for eating said cupcake. Yeah, I could have done it myself. But I carpeted the garage steps today. I already had my "I am woman, hear me roar" moment. Plus, eating cupcakes with someone you love is that much more fun.
Posted by
6:53 PM