Monday, December 22, 2008

If I had all the money in the world and a fabulous house (ok, maybe just a place with a dining room rather than slightly larger kitchen) this would be the table I'd have to have.

$1800 for an impractical dining room table isn't that ridiculous, is it?

Sunday, December 21, 2008

Friday Andy came home from work and really wanted to go see Slumdog Millionaire. I didn't know anything about it, but why not? After all, it's not like I had schoolwork to worry about (and yeah, I'll pull that one a lot).

I really liked it! Of course, if I liked it, that probably gives away the ending.

If you go see it, be sure to stay for the credits. I like big bollywood dance numbers - all movies should have one.<

Why I am not able to cook at home right now:

And that's only about half of the gingerbread army, the rest that's behind me in the picture cover the rest of the counters! I made most of these Saturday and just about wore me out completely!

This year:
  • Gingerbread cookies
  • Poinsettia cookies (which I make with a holly cookie cutter, and are corn starch based)
  • Buckeyes (with rice crispies - who knew no one makes them with rice crispies???)
  • Peppermint bark
  • Butterscotch cornflakes
  • Cream cheese cookies (with red velvet cake!)
I didn't think I would get to make all these this year, as there's so little time between Thanksgiving, finals, and Christmas.

The shopping is all finished, and I'm pretty happy with the gifts I've picked out. Of course, this year, I really don't want anything (yeah, I'm the obnoxious person on your list like that). I've already gotten my gift from USC. And I'll enjoy the big surprise I have for my family as much as I hope they will.

We're leaving Wednesday and really hoping the weather doesn't ruin the trip.
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