Monday, July 6, 2009

Chicken Curry II

I didn't want to give up on curried chicken, especially with the better part of a jar of curry powder left over. So, we have chicken curry part II.

I forgot to take a picture. Don't worry, it looked just like the last time!

This time: I didn't measure anything too exactly. I left out the paprika. I left out the bay leaf. Which is a little unfortunate, since I was pretty excited about having bay leaves. It's one of those fancy herbs that is supposed to glam up the flavor of your food. I think it tastes like wood. I used the same 3/4 cup skim milk (versus yogurt and coconut milk), and at the end went crazy with the cayenne.

Ah, there's the fire.

Now, if they just sell curry powder at the .99 store ...

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